Advanced Decorations, Metaphorical, & Allegorical Writing [James B. Webster, Ph.D.]

Category: Writing
Author: James B. Webster, Ph.D.
  • 6-8
  • 9-12
  • Tchr
Advanced Decorations, Metaphorical, & Allegorical Writing [James B. Webster, Ph.D.]
Recorded at the 2008 Writing Educator's Symposium

To enhance writing and include elements of imagery required in high school, the category of decorations has been doubled and divided into two, Structure and Stylistic. In metaphorical writing we help children expand and elaborate a metaphor into a full paragraph. Almost all levels can do this because it is primarily description. In allegories the metaphor is stretched to three paragraphs. I have only attempted it at the high school level.

Click here to find the handout for this talk.

Specifications: 41 minutes

Copyright Date: July 2008


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