Introduce your students to the beauty of literature through the doorway of poetry. Enrich vocabulary while infusing reliably correct and sophisticated English language patterns into students' minds. How? By listening to and memorizing these classic poems and speeches, which are read with flair and finesse!
Wondering how to teach high school students to dig into books? With this course they will learn to annotate, analyze, and appreciate literature.
If you don't wish to print the Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization Student e-book, let us print and bind it for you.
Discover a resource that will become a treasure to your family! Created to save planning time and research, this chronological index of classic world literature reveals a panoramic view of world history.
Introduce your students to the beauty of literature through the doorway of poetry. Enrich vocabulary while infusing reliably correct and sophisticated English language patterns into students' minds.
Purchase extra Student Books to teach additional high school level students to annotate, analyze, and appreciate literature.
Purchase this Teacher's Manual if you already own the accompanying Student Book and need to complete the set.
Recorded at the 2010 Writing Educator's Symposium
Dr. Webster explains his approach to teaching descriptions, dialogue, and flashbacks to elementary school through university students. Recorded at the 2008 Writing Educator's Symposium.
Anna Ingham explains how poetry is used to integrate the many pieces of the Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning. Recorded at the 2004 Tacoma Teacher's Conference
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