Descriptions, Dialogues, and Flashbacks [James B. Webster, Ph.D.]

Author: James B. Webster, Ph.D.
  • 6-8
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Descriptions, Dialogues, and Flashbacks [James B. Webster, Ph.D.]
Dr. Webster explains his approach to teaching descriptions, dialogue, and flashbacks to elementary school through university students. Recorded at the 2008 Writing Educator's Symposium.

Dr. Webster summarizes his approach:

"Following my usual procedure, I give a diagram with short notes, followed by a model composition. There are three ways to write a descriptive paragraph and after this lesson was taught all of my students had to follow one of the models. No more random descriptions. Following a definition of a dialogue set, rules of structure, style, and mechanics come before a model. The flashback paragraph follows a similar pattern, first a very few rules and then the models. It is only advanced because it is new. Writers of any level, grades four to university can do it."

Click here to find the handouts for this talk.

Specifications: 52 minutes

Copyright Date: July 2008


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