Opportunities Abound: How IEW Accreditation Assists Parents and Teachers

Apr 01, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Nearly every day, the IEW office receives calls from parents looking for accredited instructors. Parents are seeking instructors who have demonstrated mastery of the Structure and Style approach, and they recognize the best way to find someone is to hire an accredited instructor. If you are one of those parents, we hope this post will help you find the instructor that you are seeking.

If, on the other hand, you are a teacher of the Structure and Style writing method, we hope you’ll consider becoming an accredited instructor and that you’ll make your services available!

Accredited instructors belong to an exclusive group. There are three levels of accreditation:

  • Registered Instructors. These are instructors who have completed the teacher-training course, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, who own the TWSS2 Seminar Workbook, and who have sent in their completed practicum assignments for evaluation. After the accreditation team has reviewed an applicant’s submissions and found them to meet accreditation standards, the applicant is approved as an accredited instructor.

  • Certified Instructors. These instructors have completed all of the requirements of the Registered Level. Additionally they have provided evidence of teaching all nine structural units to students (outside of their immediate family) in a school, as a tutor, or in a co-op setting.

  • Accomplished Instructors. These instructors have received a personal invitation from Andrew Pudewa. Only instructors at the Accomplished Level are able to teach the Structure and Style method to parents, administrators, and fellow teachers.

If you are a parent looking for a qualified teacher of Structure and Style, you can feel confident that an Accredited Instructor has demonstrated mastery of the Structure and Style methodology. You’ll find a host of in-person and online instructors at IEW.com/ic.

Are you teaching Structure and Style in a school, co-op, or tutoring setting but have not yet pursued accreditation? With summer just around the corner, now is a great time to consider investing in yourself by becoming an accredited instructor. Beyond being able to touch your students’ lives by helping them to become better writers, you also receive a host of other great benefits.

One of the biggest benefits available to accredited instructors is the ability to use the IEW logo that corresponds to his or her level of accreditation. This logo is IEW’s corporate stamp of approval that parents look for when they are searching for an instructor. It tells them that the instructor will teach Structure and Style with fidelity. Additionally, only accredited instructors are able to refer to their classes in marketing and title as “IEW” classes.

As previously mentioned, on IEW’s website there is a page that lists all of the accredited instructors: IEW.com/ic. If you are an accredited instructor, you are able to share your bio and add a picture of yourself. You are also able to indicate the types of services you offer (paper grading, classes, online teaching, private tutoring, or other) as well as the ages you wish to teach.

The bio is also an excellent place to share any additional information about your skills. Are you accredited in other programs such as the Barton Reading and Spelling program? Do you have experience teaching students who have dyslexia, ADHD, or autism? Do you speak another language and enjoy working with ELL students? Many parents are looking for writing teachers with these additional skills, and your bio is the perfect place to detail those qualifications.

Discounts are available to accredited instructors as well! All accredited instructors receive a ten percent discount on registrations for teaching- or parent-training events hosted by IEW. In addition, Certified Instructors receive a ten percent discount on all products purchased via the IEW website. These discounts are applied when the instructor checks out.

All of the above benefits have been in place for many years, but for 2021 only, IEW is providing even more benefits to accredited instructors. These benefits include the following:

  • Instructors who renew their accreditation this year or who earn first-time accreditation in 2021 will receive a year of Premium Membership. For those instructors who already have a Premium Membership, an additional year will be added to their account.

  • We are offering our first-ever Accredited Instructor Gathering, which will be an online event happening May 3 at 7:30 PM CT. This is a special opportunity to connect with Andrew Pudewa and ask him questions, share ideas, and collaborate with other accredited instructors.

The demand is high for accredited instructors, and if you are a teacher of Structure and Style, we hope you’ll join the ranks of qualified individuals who are available to teach students to write.

We hope this blog post has inspired you to dive into the accreditation process. Recently the Arts of Language Podcast produced an episode that shares more about accreditation. You can listen to it at this link. If you have questions about finding an instructor for your students or need additional information about becoming accredited, please contact the IEW team at info@IEW.com.


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