The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch!

Jun 30, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

The 2021 IEW Online Writing Conference: Recorded and Ready to Watch!

It’s a wrap! This past Saturday marked IEW’s second annual Online Writing Conference. Did you participate? It was a fabulous day featuring workshops tailored for teachers, parents, and students new and experienced. Participants tuned in from all over the world with registrants from seventy-three countries! The students loved the bingo game, and everyone enjoyed the supportive learning environment.

What’s that you say? You were unable to attend live? No worries! We have the entire conference conveniently set up and ready to replay right when you need it! This blog post will provide all the details to make watching the recording easy.

To begin, check out our conference tools page, which will help you get set up to enjoy your conference experience. Download any PDFs you may need, and get ready to enjoy learning more about Structure and Style. Get comfortable and grab your favorite beverage. When it’s time for the kids to participate in their class, prepare them in advance with the class handout, blank lined paper, and a pen.

The sessions are as follows:

  • Cultivating Language Arts: Preschool through High School
    Andrew's presentation explores the various environments and activities that will accelerate the skill development of listening and reading well, speaking and writing clearly, and thinking and debating effectively, beginning with the youngest students and continuing through the high school years.

  • IEW’s Structure and Style: What is it all about?
    In this workshop Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker guide participants through four possible ways to teach students the Structure and Style method. You can choose to create your own lessons, use a theme-based book, watch a video course with your students, or preview the new Structure and Style for Students and then live-teach the lessons yourself. These are the products that were described during the session:

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style
Structure and Style for Students
Theme-Based Writing Lessons
Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
The Phonetic Zoo (spelling)
Primary Arts of Language

  • Introductory Student Workshop
    Calling all brand new IEW students! This writing class is perfect for students who are new to Structure and Style. Your students will enjoy learning with Andrew, and you will enjoy watching Andrew present the material. You’ll glean plenty of ideas to implement in your own classroom. This class is recommended for students who have a third-grade or higher reading level

  • Advanced Student Workshop
    Are your students familiar with the Structure and Style writing approach already? They will enjoy this advanced writing workshop on Unit 7, which focuses on inventive writing.

    Expanding their knowledge and writing skills, students will enjoy learning directly from Andrew, a master teacher. While any student is welcome to attend the workshop, this session does assume some prior knowledge of creating key word outlines and implementing stylistic techniques.

Teaching writing is easier than you think! This online conference will support you as you learn to teach your students to become confident and competent writers. It’s not too late to participate. Pull up the recording, and get ready to learn. We are glad to have you!


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