And the Interviewee is … Andrew Pudewa! Podcast Episode 180

Mar 06, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Recently Andrew Pudewa assigned one of his writing classes the task of interviewing a person in their lives and writing a paper about it. One of his students, Savannah, knew just the person to interview—Andrew himself! The result of this interview is Podcast Episode 180 in which Savannah comes into the studio to “Ask Andrew Anything.”

Savannah came prepared. She had some very well-considered questions she wanted to ask Andrew. In addition to the basics—Where were you born? Where did you grow up?—are a few intriguing questions as well: Do you like to write? Why is your company called IEW? and How has Dr. Webster helped you? Trust us. In short, she’s asked some great questions that perhaps you have also wondered about, which is why you won’t want to miss this episode.

Not only that, but Savannah was very gracious and agreed to share her paper with our audience, so if you would like to see a great example of how to approach writing this type of paper from the interview to the final result, this is a fabulous podcast to listen to. Great job, Savannah! Thank you for sharing your interview with us!


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