Announcing Introduction to Public Speaking!

Mar 17, 2023 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Think! At IEW, these are words to live by. While the Institute for Excellence in Writing is thought of primarily for its writing curricula, the primary focus is on developing competent and confident communicators for both written and oral communication. That is just one of the many reasons IEW is thrilled to launch the new Introduction to Public Speaking (IPS) course!

IPS is a twelve-week video course designed to equip middle- and high-school students with the tools they need to become competent and confident public speakers. Madison, one of the students in the video course, shared her experience after working through the program:

“I can say with confidence that the public speaking course has helped me tremendously. About six months after taking the course, I had to do some public speaking for a dual-credit class at our local community college, and I’ve never been so thankful for the skills that I learned through the IEW public speaking course!”

Stepping in front of a crowd, big or small, is a daunting task for most. However, with the right tools and techniques, public speaking becomes a conquerable task. As a lifelong student of Andrew Pudewa, I can still remember him teaching me how to deliver a speech from a key word outline: “You glance down at the paper, read your keywords, look up, and deliver.”

In the IPS course, students develop, practice, and deliver five speeches: self-introductory, narrative, expository, persuasive, and impromptu. They also evaluate recorded speeches in preparation for self-evaluation. Additionally, Mr. Pudewa teaches students the classical ideas of ethos, pathos, and logos (credibility, emotional appeal, and logic).

Alongside this exciting new program, IEW is also launching a new speech competition to encourage students to practice their public speaking skills. First place winners will be awarded up to $500 in cash while their teacher or parent will receive an IEW gift certificate. Second and third place winners and their instructors/parents will also receive prizes. Students between the ages of 12-16 can submit their speeches from October 1, 2023 to December 4, 2023.

Did you previously purchase Speech Boot Camp new from IEW or a reseller? You can request an upgrade to the new speech course! Visit, fill out the form, and send in your DVD discs from Speech Boot Camp. You will receive a $40 coupon to purchase Introduction to Public Speaking, making the cost only $59 plus shipping.

Want to take a look at the new Introduction to Public Speaking course? You and your students can experience the first two class sessions here.

“I now have the tools I need to write and memorize a speech effectively. Whereas before I didn't know the difference between an essay and a speech, now I know that a speech is more than a spoken paper. It is a three-dimensional experience that requires connection with the audience.” —Lydia


“IEW’s speech course is one of the only curriculums that would have ever made me comfortable delivering a speech. Feeling like I know how to do every step and do it well makes public speaking less stressful.” —Emily


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