Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 340

Sep 21, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Another ten episodes have been recorded and launched, which means it’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything!” This series is an opportunity for Andrew to directly answer questions posed by our podcast listeners. This week’s questions were submitted by teachers and teaching parents.

  1. My family does a lot of reading aloud together, and we do silent reading daily. However, we have not done the best job with a formal writing or grammar program. If my oldest is going to be a seventh grader and is reluctant, how do I make this a year of prioritizing language arts but not discouraging him? I’m struggling with doubts that we’ve started too late.
  2. How do I motivate my student to revise his work?
  3. My child has dysgraphia and dislikes writing because he is a perfectionist, and if it isn’t perfect, he gets very upset. I would like to find a way to help motivate him and not frustrate him.
  4. How do I teach Structure and Style if English is my second language and I lack strong writing skills?
  5. When a young high schooler’s handwriting is not terribly legible, how hard should I work to remediate it, and how do I do that without breaking his spirit?
  6. How can I help my son express himself with confidence? He loves to read and is an advanced reader. He was a struggling writer until he began using IEW. When asked to orally explain what a book he just read is about, he is at a loss for words.
  7. Have you ever considered creating a joke book? If so, would you accept joke entries for your consideration?

Tune in to this week’s episode as Andrew responds with experience and offers insight. If you or your students have questions, send them to


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