Confessions of a Homeschooler: Podcast Episode 217

May 01, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


In the latest Arts of Language Podcast, Episode 217, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker invited Erica Arndt to speak with them. Erica, who created the blog Confessions of a Homeschooler, is one of IEW’s affiliates. A homeschooling mom with more than a decade of experience, Erica shares her many talents and interests through her blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. She offers information and curriculum related to homeschooling as well as quilting, crafts, cooking, and more. She also enjoys designing printables, many of which are free, that she shares on her blog.

Listening to the podcast, you will learn when Erica and her family began homeschooling and how she first got into blogging. She also tells listeners about how she first learned of IEW and shares how using IEW’s curriculum impacted her children. Additionally, she relates her thoughts about IEW’s latest curriculum, Structure and Style for Students. Many listeners will feel encouraged when they hear her suggestions about how, when life is already quite full, to successfully homeschool several children at different ages.

We think you will agree with us that Erica is a remarkable woman who has much wisdom and encouragement to share.

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