Dive In! Podcast Episode 152

Aug 22, 2018 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Does this describe you? You have been listening to the Arts of Language Podcast for a while now. The things you’ve heard on the podcast have been engaging, and you’re intrigued. But you have not yet actually tried writing “the IEW way.” Maybe you’re feeling too busy. Perhaps you feel like it’s too much. It’s okay! We promise you that writing the IEW way doesn’t have to overwhelm you or require a lot of your time. Tell you what. How about we give you a little taste of it and let you decide for yourself? Will you try it out? If you’re game, listen to Podcast 152 and get ready to “Experience Excellence in Writing”!

To prepare, grab a notebook, a pen, and your favorite beverage. Get comfortable and let Laura House guide you through the steps of creating a key word outline and writing a paragraph. The podcast lasts less than an hour. No fuss, no fears, and certainly no tears!

Here’s another opportunity for you to learn more about writing with IEW. We would love to give you some free lessons taught by Andrew Pudewa himself! Click here to access the lessons. Try it out. Dive in! The (IEW) water is fine!

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