Homeschool State Organizations: More than just conventions! An interview with Anne Miller: Podcast Episode 247

Dec 03, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


For the latest podcast, Episode 247, Andrew and Julie invite Anne Miller to the mic. Anne is the president and executive director of the Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV). Having begun her homeschooling journey in 1980 and teaching her eight children, she has many years of experience in the home education field.

Andrew and Julie spoke with Anne about what functions homeschool state organizations fulfill. Now that there are more people than ever homeschooling their children, and with many newcomers to the lifestyle, these state organizations have been steadily busy, and this is despite losing their biggest source of income: the state homeschool convention. Due to the pandemic, few in-person conventions were held last year.

So what do homeschool state organizations do for homeschoolers? Quite a lot, actually! Beyond providing conventions, they serve as a watchdog for homeschool legislation within their state, help homeschool families connect with each other, and support families with facts as they navigate through the homeschooling process. By the way, this is all primarily done through the assistance of committed volunteers!

To learn more about how state homeschool organizations can help you, be sure to listen to the podcast!

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