How does your email help us serve you?

Jul 01, 2015 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Your email address is one of the most important pieces of information you share with us. Why is that? Having your email allows us to serve you in a multitude of ways:

  1. Email ensures our guarantee. We offer a 100% satisfaction, no time limit guarantee on everything purchased directly from IEW. Your email is the #1 tool we use to verify your original purchase.

  2. Email creates an account. We ask for your email so we can create an IEW account for you. You are then able to input or change your own information (including other contact info) to suit your needs.

  3. Email allows you to access your e-books, e-audios, and streaming video. You will log in to your account when you wish to download your purchased e-books and other online resources or to view the streaming video for the new Teaching Writing: Structure and Style.

  4. Email keeps you updated. Your email address helps us keep you updated with information about the products you have purchased, including free updates to e-files or, as in the case of the TWSS2 Upgrade, a revised and updated version.

  5. Email subscribes you to our e-newsletter. We send out a newsletter each month to help you in your educational journey. You can always unsubscribe, but we hope you will find the information we share to be helpful and encouraging. Sometimes there are freebies or promotions you won’t want to miss!

  6. Email alerts you to local events. We also use email to let you know when we are coming to your area. Again, you are free to unsubscribe from these alerts at any time.

We do not ever share email or personal information with any third parties or affiliated organizations. Our privacy policy strictly prohibits this, and we are dedicated to this agreement with you. So you can rest assured that we are here to help you on your journey, and email is a key piece of information we need in order to do so.

If you haven’t done so already, click here to subscribe to our e-newsletter, event alerts, or product update notifications.

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