Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Formal Co-ops

Jan 09, 2025 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

We are blessed to live in a time where there are many educational options available for our students. The beauty of IEW methodology is that it is easily adaptable to most educational settings. Part 1 of this series addresses traditional 5-day schools; part 2 looks at hybrid schools. In this third installment, we will look at formal co-ops.

What is a formal co-op? According to the Homeschool Mom website, a co-op is “a group of families who meet together and work cooperatively to achieve common goals.” The focus and level of formality of each co-op varies depending on the agreed-upon goals. Some are more academic, some focus on social gatherings, some are service-oriented, and some are a combination of these. As homeschooling continues to grow in the United States, the number of co-ops continue to grow as well.

Homeschool co-ops are where IEW first thrived and continues to do so. In fact, I was introduced to IEW methodology through our local homeschool group in the late 2000s. A parent who is well-versed in IEW by having completed Teaching Writing: Structure and Style® seminar (or is even an IEW Accredited Instructor) does the main teaching during the weekly class time, and the students’ parents provide support at home during the week. This is especially beneficial for parents who desire to homeschool but do not feel confident in their own writing abilities or are unsure how to teach writing. Students receive the benefit of writing for an audience outside of mom and dad. IEW works beautifully in a homeschool co-op setting.

As you can see, IEW’s mission to equip teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers is accomplished in many educational settings, including 5-day schools, hybrid schools, and formal co-ops. Part 4 of this series will explore how IEW is used in a private tutoring setting. Until then, please reach out to us with any questions about how to implement IEW in your educational setting.

by Deanne Smith

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