Product Spotlight: Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Jan 29, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Each month in 2019, we would like to highlight one of our products and answer a few questions about it. It is our hope to create a space where you can learn more about some of the curriculums we offer at IEW. And since today is the first entry, we could think of no better product to begin with than Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS), the program that started it all.

Additionally, we are excited to host a drawing for a free copy of each month’s product spotlight. This month we will be giving away one copy of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. The drawing will be held at the end of the day on Friday, February 8. To enter it, click here (ended).

Who is Teaching Writing: Structure and Style designed for?

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) is designed to train teachers, tutors, and teaching parents how to teach written expression to their students. Originally organized and presented by Andrew Pudewa more than twenty years ago, the TWSS is based upon the Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning, developed by Mrs. Anna Ingham, as well as Blended Structure and Style by Dr. James B. Webster. The current edition of TWSS is the culmination of many years’ experience in presenting and teaching the material to educators all around the globe.

How is the material presented?

The TWSS is offered in a number of different ways. The course can be purchased with the Seminar Workbook, DVD seminar, and Premium Membership; or it can be purchased with the Seminar Workbook, forever streaming video, and Premium Membership. For those educators who are participating in a group viewing of the seminar, whether recorded or live, individual copies of the Seminar Workbook can also be purchased.

What material is covered in the course?

The TWSS is the foundational course for teaching Structure and Style®️, IEW’s approach to teaching students written composition through creating a reliable structure and adding style at a rate of EZ+1. The TWSS is built around nine units as well as a unit dedicated to writing about literature. They are as follows:

  • Unit 1: Note Making and Outlines

  • Unit 2: Writing from Notes

  • Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories

  • Unit 4: Summarizing a Reference

  • Unit 5: Writing from Pictures

  • Unit 6: Summarizing Multiple References

  • Unit 7: Inventive Writing

  • Unit 8: Formal Essay Models

  • Unit 9: Formal Critique

  • Writing about Literature

As the students move through the various units, the instructor simultaneously teaches them how to insert stylistic techniques. These techniques, introduced gradually, help the students add tools to their writing toolbox that enrich their writing and improve their creative expression. While the students are taught the units at a fairly regular pace of approximately one per month, style is added according to each student’s individual pace through the use of checklists. This approach not only helps students learn a more concrete way of how to write, it also provides a reliable structure for teachers to use to teach writing to their students.

Can you share more about the Premium Membership?

Definitely! This valuable perk is included with your purchase of the full TWSS course. Once activated (you will receive a card with a unique code in your TWSS that will enable you to do that), your membership is good for a full year. At the end of the year, you can renew your membership each year for a low annual fee of $39.00. The Premium Membership includes access to streaming of the full video content of the TWSS, the online IEW Checklist Generator™, many downloadable products, a code to receive a hard copy of Andrew Pudewa’s book, However Imperfectly (as well as a one-time-use code for free shipping), and free access to upcoming master classes.

Over the years, we have heard from many parents and educators who have shared with us how much Teaching Writing: Structure and Style has positively impacted their teaching and their students. Here are just a few of their testimonials:

“It was a great relief to my [dysgraphic] son to be told ‘the rules,’ rather than ‘just write something.’ It was not nearly as overwhelming.” Renee

“I actually majored in English; however, I have learned more about teaching writing through IEW than I ever learned in college!” Vicki

“TWSS made a huge difference for us...I really didn’t know what I was missing before I made such a good investment.” Virginia

“After participating in TWSS, I received more training than I did in the teacher credential program at my state college!” Sharyle

We hope this post has helped you become more familiar with Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. Don’t forget to sign up for the drawing (ended), and be sure to look for future product spotlights in the blog in the months to come.

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