Simplify Grading with IEW Gradebook

Mar 21, 2024 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

In the fast-paced world of education, teachers are constantly seeking tools that simplify their workload without compromising the quality of feedback they provide to students. One such revolutionary online tool is IEW Gradebook. This tool offers a range of features designed to make grading more efficient and effective.

One of the most significant benefits of using IEW for writing instruction is the checklist with its capacity to eliminate unclear assignments. With defined criteria, students have clear expectations, and teachers know what to grade. One of the standout features of IEW Gradebook is its ability to display the checklist found in the curriculum alongside the student's work. When students submit their typed papers digitally using MS Word or Google Docs, IEW Gradebook displays a student’s submitted paper and the IEW Checklist side by side, allowing teachers to concentrate on assessing without distractions.

Students indicate they have followed the IEW checklist by marking dress-ups, sentence openers, and key words in topic-clincher sentences. Acting as a teacher’s assistant, IEW Gradebook pairs items found on the checklist with the marked items in a student’s paper. For example, when a teacher clicks on -ly adverb in the checklist, the underlined -ly adverb dress-ups are both listed in the checklist and highlighted in the paper. No more hunting! By guiding teachers through a structured process, IEW Gradebook helps teachers remain focused, even when interrupted.

The tool acts as an assistant, offering guidance and support at every step of the grading process. IEW Gradebook is not a scantron. It does not grade papers. Rather, it provides a brief list of things to consider and makes suggestions why an item may or may not be accurate. For example, when a teacher clicks the clause style technique, the underlined www words are both listed in the checklist and highlighted in the paper. IEW Gradebook indicates if the underlined word is indeed a www word (subordinating conjunction) and reminds the teacher to look for both a subject and a verb. It then goes one step further, reminding the teacher of the comma rules.

IEW Gradebook is flexible and provides room for a teacher who needs to make adaptations for a student. At any time, the teacher can override Gradebook’s suggestion to give no, partial, or full credit.

After a teacher clicks a square to indicate that a dress-up does or does not fulfill the required expectations, IEW Gradebook enters the number in the checklist total column and adds the total score automatically. This not only saves time but also minimizes the chances of errors, ensuring accurate and reliable grading.

The tool goes beyond mere evaluation by providing teachers with prewritten phrases for both praise and correction. This not only saves time but also ensures that feedback is aligned with the curriculum and instructional content. Teachers can choose from a range of options, click, and deliver meaningful feedback without the need for composing or typing.

Educators in the classroom setting can take advantage of a range of additional features thoughtfully designed to streamline their workflow. With one glance the teacher knows if a submission is missing, submitted, or graded. Like a traditional gradebook, IEW Gradebook lists students’ assignment scores and provides quarterly, semester, and yearly averages. In addition, IEW Gradebook tracks student mastery of structure and style techniques, offering a holistic view of student performance, which makes it easier to identify trends, areas of improvement, and overall progress in the course.

Teachers who do not have a learning management system (LMS) can take advantage of an additional feature which allows students to submit their work directly through the platform. This not only simplifies the submission process but centralizes all information about student progress. With Gradebook's comprehensive tracking capabilities, both teachers and students benefit from a more efficient assessment process.

As technology continues to shape the landscape of education, tools like IEW Gradebook pave the way for more efficient and effective grading.

by Heidi Thomas

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