A Sneak Peek at IEW's 2022 Fall Conference: Podcast Episode 341

Sep 29, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

During the first half of the year, Andrew Pudewa travels around the country and delivers presentations at various conferences and conventions. Now that summer is over and school is back in session, he has returned to Oklahoma, which affords him time to prepare for an extra special conference: IEW’s 2022 Fall Conference. This free online event will be held on Friday, October 14. Geared for parents and teachers, this writing conference will offer a day packed with inspiration and education.

The event is an opportunity to attend some of Andrew’s most popular and insightful convention presentations without leaving your home! In Podcast Episode 341 Andrew and Julie give a sneak peek of what the day entails and share a snippet of each of these talks that Andrew will present.

  • Nurturing Competent Communicators

  • From Copywork to Composition

  • By Heart – The Goodness of Memory

  • Fairy Tales and the Moral Imagination

  • Preparation for Persecution

While a recording of the conference will be available after the fact, attending live allows you to interact with other attendees as well as ask questions of IEW staff. Additionally, there will be regular prize drawings throughout the day that are only available to attendees. To sign up for a day full of inspiration and encouragement, register for this free conference here.

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