A Strong September Start: Podcast Episode 154

Sep 05, 2018 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


3...2...1...Blastoff! With the launch of the school year, students are springing into IEW’s first two units—Note Making and Outlines and Writing from Notes. In Podcast 154, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker converse about the units and provide some context as to how they were initially developed by Dr. Webster.

Unit 1: Note Making and Outlines forms the undergirding of the entire Structure and Style™ methodology. In it, the student reads a sentence from a source text and then writes down two or three key words (symbols, numbers, and abbreviations are “free”) that will help him recall the sentiment of the sentence. At the end of the passage, the student then “tests” the outline by verbally retelling the outline in complete sentences.

Unit 2 is an extension of Unit 1, teaching the student how to use the outline to write out the passage. Because only two to three key words are selected to create the outline, it serves as a natural check to plagiarism. Additionally, students who are taught IEW methodology develop the discipline of outlining, which serves them well as they advance in their educational careers.

If you are new to IEW, you will find this podcast informative, but to enhance your understanding and knowledge even more, we encourage you to watch the entire Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar. By doing so, you will be very well prepared to assist your students as they learn to write with IEW.


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