Motivation and Classroom Management, Part 2: Podcast Episode 268

Apr 29, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Last week, Andrew and Julie began a conversation about motivation and its implications for assisting with classroom management. That first episode, Podcast Episode 267, focused primarily on the big picture of defining what motivation looks like and what levels of motivation, or relevancy, teachers and parents have at their avail. There are four forms:

  • intrinsic relevancy
  • inspired relevancy
  • contrived relevancy
  • enforced relevancy

While many teachers are very good at incorporating various means of contrived relevance to engage their students, for example, through game play, Julie recalled from her teaching experiences that some students were more easily able to engage in these learning games than other students. So the question then became this: What other ways can teachers motivate their students within the classroom environment?

This question is what Andrew and Julie explore in the second part of the podcast series, Episode 268. During this episode Andrew and Julie describe ways that teachers can engage all students regardless of their ability levels. Harkening back to the days of the one-room classroom that Anna Ingham taught in, they share how she was able to create a cooperative learning environment that allowed her students the benefits of individualized instruction while still incorporating the benefit of classroom collaboration. Filled with great insight, this podcast is an especially beneficial one to listen to if you teach in a classroom environment.

Read part 1

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