What Is Thinking?
For several years in our house, I would often respond, “Don’t make me do your thinking for you!” when one of my children would ask for help in making a decision. IEW’s theme... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Generosity
As the song claims, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Children would attribute that to receiving gifts. And truly, that Christmas morning unwrapping is a picture of generosity because parents freely... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Schools Department
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
Gratitude for Parents and Teachers
Toward the end of his life, whenever Fred Rogers was invited to give a college commencement address, he would offer the assembled graduates and their guests an invisible gift of a minute of... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW Online Classes
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Learning Differences Page
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Alternative Ways to Learn
Right before I began homeschooling, I assiduously prepared my little classroom. Tackling the task with gusto, I established a space that mimicked the classrooms of my youth, right down to the American flag... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Magnum Opus Magazine
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Arts of Language Podcast
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Family Mealtime
“The best of life is conversation” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). As the busyness of summer winds down and as school begins, the fall season will soon arrive, and a new chapter will begin with... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW’s Blog
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of... read more
What Is Thinking?
For several years in our house, I would often respond, “Don’t make me do your thinking for you!” when one of... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Generosity
As the song claims, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Children would attribute that to receiving gifts. And truly,... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Schools Department
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more
Gratitude for Parents and Teachers
Toward the end of his life, whenever Fred Rogers was invited to give a college commencement address, he would offer the... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW Online Classes
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Learning Differences Page
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Alternative Ways to Learn
Right before I began homeschooling, I assiduously prepared my little classroom. Tackling the task with gusto, I established a space that... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Magnum Opus Magazine
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: Arts of Language Podcast
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more
Furnishing the Mind with Family Mealtime
“The best of life is conversation” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). As the busyness of summer winds down and as school begins, the... read more
IEW Tools for the Journey: IEW’s Blog
As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be... read more