Announcing IEW’s 2022 Writing Contest!

Mar 03, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

We are excited to announce the writing prompts for IEW’s 2022 Writing Contest and invite your students to submit their compositions for a chance to win a cash prize. Why should your students be involved? Writing contests are an engaging way to help students assume personal investment in their education and move beyond the four walls of the classroom. Doing this allows students to participate in real-life learning experiences that don’t simply end with a grade. Writing contests afford students opportunities to share their creative efforts with a wider audience.

What makes writing contests such rewarding experiences for students? Some students are drawn by the possibility of realizing their work published and enjoyed by others. Still others enjoy the novelty of stepping away from formal assignments to address unique prompts. All students hope to win. For even more information about the benefits of having your students participate in writing contests, check out this blog post written by Marci Harris, one of IEW’s online instructors and an educational consultant.

For IEW’s annual writing contest, students ages 8 through high school are eligible and encouraged to submit their compositions. No IEW writing experience is necessary! The judges are IEW’s very own online instructors. A unique twist to our contest is that there are prizes awarded not only to the students but also to their writing instructor! Prizes for each category are as follows:

  • first place: $100 for the student and a $100 IEW gift certificate for the instructor
  • second place: $50 for the student and a $50 IEW gift certificate for the instructor
  • third place: $25 for the student and a $25 IEW gift certificate for the instructor

Every participant will receive a gift code for a free Play It Write card game; the family pays only for shipping.

Without further ado, we are delighted to present this year’s prompts below:

  • Level A (ages 8‒10)

Write a 2-paragraph composition answering this prompt: “Describe a location that is interesting or important to you. Your location can be a real place or an imaginary one.”

  • Level B (ages 11‒13)

Write a 4- to 5-paragraph composition answering this prompt: “Describe a location that is significant to you in some way. Your location can be a real place or an imaginary one.

  • Level C (ages 14‒18)

Write a 5- to 7- paragraph essay answering this prompt: “Describe a location that has great significance to you. Your location can be a real place or an imaginary one."


For more information and the complete contest rules, visit this link.

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