Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast 370

Apr 26, 2023 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Many of IEW’s podcast episodes in 2023 follow this year’s theme of exploring how IEW can help students with learning differences. Every tenth episode features questions submitted by our podcast listeners. Join us as Julie Walker presents Andrew Pudewa with questions from parents regarding their struggling students. Offering practical tips, he helps equip them to assist their students in improving their writing and spelling skills.

Here are the questions presented in this week’s episode:

  • How should I approach writing with my second grade daughter, whom I suspect is dyslexic? How much should I push her?
  • What should I start with for my soon-to-be high school son who has an aversion to writing but is an avid reader?
  • What are other ways IEW is well-suited for students with learning difficulties?
  • Can I use IEW with my autistic son, who struggles with spelling, articulating thoughts, and writing but has already graduated from high school?
  • Any suggestions for a child who has reading comprehension challenges? She can create a key word outline but has difficulty recalling the story even with the outline she created.

Julie opens this episode with a question of her own as a bonus. Join the conversation to hear Andrew’s answers and useful tips for assisting students struggling with writing, spelling, and reading comprehension.


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