In our latest podcast, Julie Walker had the opportunity to catch up with Janet Spitler, and that’s no easy feat! Janet is IEW’s Senior Educational Consultant for the Schools Division and is devotedly dedicated to helping teachers and schools become informed and adept at incorporating IEW methodologies in their classrooms. Needless to say, she is quite a busy woman, but she loves equipping teachers to share IEW with their students.
As a highschool student, although Janet had a 4.0 GPA, she struggled to write a cohesive paragraph. In 1996 when she was homeschooling her own children, she discovered IEW. Recognizing that IEW was the missing key to her understanding how to write, she taught herself alongside her children, went to college, and became a school teacher. She took her IEW knowledge with her into the classroom, and the rest, as they say, is history!
Enjoy learning a little more about Janet and her passion for sharing
IEW with schools, and while you’re at it, enter into our giveaway contest. Janet would love to share two of her favorite IEW products with you. For students in kindergarten to grade 2, she has selected IEW’s Tools for Young Writers, a portable wall that shares grammar and IEW helps for the youngest learners. For students in grades 4‒12, she has selected to give away one level of Fix It! Grammar, our popular grammar editing program.
We are giving away five copies of each product, but don’t wait too long to register. The drawing will be held on April 2. So listen to the podcast and sign up to win!