
Why Poetry?

  Why should your students memorize poetry? At first glance, poetry doesn’t seem to connect with our high-speed, high-tech digital world. Wouldn’t your educational time be better spent helping your students build their computer... read more

Mar 28, 2019

Public Speaking: A Means of Growth

  As a customer service representative, I get lots of questions from homeschool moms who want their kids to get the most out of their high school years. I am often stopped during my... read more

Dec 07, 2018

Recovering the Art of Effective Communication - Kim Cromer, NCFCA Executive Director

by Kim Cromer   Statista, an online statistics portal for more than 22,500 sources, estimates that in 2018 there are 237.6 million smartphones, 207 million Facebook users, and 67 million active Twitter accounts in the... read more

Nov 23, 2018

Why Poetry?

  Why should your students memorize poetry? At first glance, poetry doesn’t seem to connect with our high-speed, high-tech digital world. Wouldn’t... read more

Public Speaking: A Means of Growth

  As a customer service representative, I get lots of questions from homeschool moms who want their kids to get the most... read more


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Recovering the Art of Effective Communication - Kim Cromer, NCFCA Executive Director

by Kim Cromer   Statista, an online statistics portal for more than 22,500 sources, estimates that in 2018 there are 237.6 million smartphones,... read more


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