Summer Writing Fun with Structure and Style: Podcast Episode 271

May 27, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

If the summer break hasn’t started for you yet, most likely it is just around the corner. While teachers and teaching parents love having a nice break to rest and recharge for the upcoming academic year, it is not good to let those cumulative skills such as math, music, and writing languish for too long. Summer slide will strike! What can you do to keep your students’ writing skills strong while still enjoying some summer fun? That’s what podcast Episode 271 strives to help you achieve.

During the episode, Andrew and Julie discuss ways that parents can inject a bit of writing into their summer schedule without sacrificing fun in the sun. Andrew shares lots of suggestions, and there are ideas for everyone even if you only have a few minutes available out of the day to dedicate to writing. Listen to the episode to learn more about how you can keep the writing rolling throughout the summer.



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