
Earth to Children: Come Out and Play!

Once upon a time in a neighborhood perhaps not all that unlike your own, it was common to hear the happy sounds of children playing outside. Rather than send a text when supper... read more

Jun 13, 2024

Planning Summer with Purpose

The finish line is in sight! I know that we are all counting down the days until the end of the school year. We are looking forward to the summer months when our... read more

May 30, 2024

Adjust the Checklist to Sharpen Students’ Saws

The school year is nearing the end, and summer is close at hand. Teachers and families alike eagerly anticipate a chance to slow down a bit to relax and renew. A recent IEW®... read more

May 16, 2024

Sharpen Your Saw with IEW Events and Resources

“Renewal is the principle – and the process – that empowers us to move on an upward spiral of growth and change, of continuous improvement” (Stephen R. Covey). In this quote, fans of... read more

May 02, 2024

Dispelling Darkness One Book at a Time

It’s midsummer. By now your kids are tired of the pool, tired of the playground, and tired of having nothing to do. Perhaps you are hearing “I’m bored” come out of their mouths... read more

Jun 29, 2023

Where will you be on July 22, 2023?

Summers are not only a time to enjoy a break from the busy schedule of the school year but a time to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect on the past year. For many educators,... read more

Jun 02, 2023

Refreshing Routines

For many teachers and teaching parents, summer is a time to relax. Another school year is in the books. Long lazy days lie before you as you take a deep breath and put... read more

May 25, 2023

A Poem: “Bed in Summer”

One of the hallmarks of spring for most of the United States is the annual shift to daylight saving time. This time switch also happens to run over the summer, when the daylight... read more

Aug 12, 2022

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝

Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject a bit of excitement into your schedule. Continue to write, but incorporate... read more

Jun 30, 2022

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324

The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of rest and relaxation. While certainly important, it also provides the opportunity for... read more

Jun 01, 2022

Following “Flat Andrew”

During podcast Episode 323, Andrew and Julie discussed ways to prevent losing skills gained during the year, a term they described as “summer evaporation.” One of the ideas mentioned was inspired by the... read more

May 26, 2022

Earth to Children: Come Out and Play!

Once upon a time in a neighborhood perhaps not all that unlike your own, it was common to hear the happy... read more

Planning Summer with Purpose

The finish line is in sight! I know that we are all counting down the days until the end of the... read more


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Adjust the Checklist to Sharpen Students’ Saws

The school year is nearing the end, and summer is close at hand. Teachers and families alike eagerly anticipate a chance... read more

Sharpen Your Saw with IEW Events and Resources

“Renewal is the principle – and the process – that empowers us to move on an upward spiral of growth and... read more

Dispelling Darkness One Book at a Time

It’s midsummer. By now your kids are tired of the pool, tired of the playground, and tired of having nothing to... read more

Where will you be on July 22, 2023?

Summers are not only a time to enjoy a break from the busy schedule of the school year but a time... read more

Refreshing Routines

For many teachers and teaching parents, summer is a time to relax. Another school year is in the books. Long lazy... read more

A Poem: “Bed in Summer”

One of the hallmarks of spring for most of the United States is the annual shift to daylight saving time. This... read more

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝

Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject... read more

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324

The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of... read more

Following “Flat Andrew”

During podcast Episode 323, Andrew and Julie discussed ways to prevent losing skills gained during the year, a term they described... read more


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