IEW Tools for the Journey: Webinars

Aug 15, 2024 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

As part of IEW’s continued commitment to providing parents and teachers with help for the journey of training students to be confident and competent communicators and thinkers, we are presenting a series of blog posts highlighting ten free tools IEW offers. In the first installment, we looked at the various newsletters available from IEW. This is the second installment, which features our webinars.

Every month IEW hosts several webinars. Typically, they are in the evening and last about an hour. On the first Monday of each month, one of our Customer Service Agents hosts “EZ+1: The IEW Method of Teaching.” This webinar is for those who are new to IEW and would like to learn more about how IEW methodology works and how to implement it. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions as well as win a $50 IEW gift certificate!

Additionally, there is a monthly webinar for one of our theme-based books, detailing the structural unit covered that month, giving tips and tricks for introducing stylistic techniques, and most importantly working through a sample together. Attendees can ask questions as well. Most of the history-based books have been covered; you can find those recorded webinars in the webinar archive. This year we will cover two courses: Adventures in Writing and Discoveries in Writing. The books are two of the most recent additions to our theme-based collection. Each month, Andrew Pudewa and Jeff Nease will each host a webinar to guide teachers and parents through these courses. The first webinars are in August, so sign up here.

In addition to these monthly webinars, IEW has recorded webinars on many other topics. In March 2023, Andrew Pudewa hosted a webinar describing how IEW methodology can help students with learning differences. Additional webinars have been dedicated to teaching high school students, teaching younger students to read and write with Primary Arts of Language (PAL), and homeschooling. Search the webinar archive for topics that interest you.

Finally, one of the benefits to being an IEW Premium Member is access to Master Classes hosted live by Andrew Pudewa. Past topics include teaching boys and girls, motivation, and memorization. To access these Master Classes and the other benefits of Premium Membership, subscribe here. If you are already a Premium Member, you can find links to register for upcoming Master Classes and to listen to recordings in the Files option in your Dashboard.

Webinars are one of the many ways we support you in your teaching endeavors.Take advantage of this beneficial resource. Be on the lookout for part three of this series of ten free tools to help you along the journey. As always, thank you for trusting IEW to be part of it.

by Deanne Smith

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